Thursday, October 6, 2011

1986-87 Yeti "Yak"

Another really cool vintage California Yeti. The "Yak" was simply a FRO with a third bottle mount and rack eyelets for touring. I've only seen one other Yak and it also happened to be a 16".

This had an early serial number in the 100s, which makes no sense since they supposedly started around 300 something to pay tribute to some motorcycle. Either way, it was a very early Yeti that belonged to former pro motocross and track racer Walt Axthelm of Durango, and it made it all the way to Alabama before it turned up for sale. I took the classic Yeti turquoise and threw in a twist with the white panels. I was pretty stoked on this bike and regret selling it. Nothing rides like a classic Yeti, and this 30lb beast took me to victory in the 2009 Keyesville Classic Vintage MTB race.



This time I made sure to get the proper front derailleur


Original Yeti fork with eyelets. So cool!




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